22 Jun Fleet Feature: 140′ Bucket Truck
Our 140′ Bucket Truck enables us to work on challenging projects which require height, reach and flexibility! Learn more about this impressive piece of equipment below:
- Reaches 140’ up with a side reach of 80’
- Platform holds up to 600lbs at 30 x 54 inches, typically two workers at a time for efficient job coverage and effectiveness
- The lifting capacity includes up to 14,000lbs making it perfect for tool, and supply transport to any project with a little height
- Safety is key for this type of equipment, this comes equipped with an LED lighting system, auto safety controls and rotation lockout. Also includes a hydraulic tool circuit bed and boom mounted hose reel.
- Looking for efficiency and safety this machine has you covered!
Location and Project Examples:
- Used for climbing NASA towers to conduct lighting replacements
- Sports lighting at multiple MD and VA sports stadiums
- US Naval academy sports and lot lighting