Recently, traditional fluorescent and HID (metal halide and high pressure sodium) lighting have given way to light emitting diodes (LED). LED is not a new technology; however it has dramatically improved and now delivers the most amount of light at the lowest wattage consumption. LED can give you a bright, efficient, and “longer lasting” light at half the energy costs of fluorescent and HID lighting. And when combined with superior light fixtures, your property can benefit from brighter lighting, precise coverage and lower energy costs.
More importantly, to ease your financial transition, power companies are currently offering incentives and rebates to help you upgrade or retro fit your lighting. We will guarantee the rebates and handle all the paperwork. At Lighting Maintenance Inc., we take pride in providing top quality services, on time and on budget. If you want to take advantage of the incredible rebates being offered, and could benefit from a cost-effective LED alternative – while decreasing your carbon footprint – we’d love to speak with you.
We provide and implement lighting efficiency strategies for commercial, industrial, governmental, retail buildings and associated parking areas. We perform a complete lighting audit, measuring light levels, energy consumption, and maintenance costs. With this information, we create a lighting master plan that specifies an appropriate lighting technology, control system, and return on investment. Once installed, the property’s energy consumption, maintenance cycle, and carbon footprint will be greatly reduced. We look forward to serving your needs. Please contact us to request your complementary facility lighting efficiency assessment and audit.
LED technology is rapidly eclipsing older lighting technologies across a broad landscape of applications for both interior and exterior solutions. Contrary to popular belief, LED (light emitting diodes) lighting is not a new technology but, in fact, has been used in many home appliances such as microwaves, alarm clocks, and many more applications for over 50 years. This lighting color was typically red, blue, or green. The efficiency of these systems, lumens per watt, was excellent. However, for use in every day and night time applications for illuminating offices and parking lots, it was entirely impractical. Read more about LED.