Stray Voltage in Light Poles: What You Need to Know to Ensure Safety
Exterior lighting, parking lot lighting, and streetlights are all designed to keep us safe. They provide critical illumination that helps reduce accidents, crime, and enhances our overall security. However, many are unaware that lights alone can pose a threat to the average passersby. It’s vital to be aware of this information and take proper precautions to protect yourself, and those around you as an accident can occur when you least expect it. Stray voltage in light poles can be dangerous, and at times, even life-threatening.
Everything You Need to Know About Stray Voltage
Stray voltage is self-explanatory – it’s voltage “leaking” from an everyday object like a light pole. When a human or animal encounters a metal surface affected by this leaked electricity, they can be shocked, and possibly even killed depending on the voltage strength. While these incidents are often spoken of as “freak” accidents, the reality is that they occur far more often than you might think. Stray voltage can occur in any area that an electrical system is installed. Stray voltage has been found in an incredibly wide range of environments, from sidewalks and swimming pools to entire marinas, including:
- Light poles
- Signs
- Pylon signs
- Service boxes
- Manhole covers
- Water pipes
- Sewer grates
- Wiring systems
Stray voltage most commonly occurs as a result of poor maintenance practices and unawareness. An electrical current moves from flowing within an electrical system to another conductive object, such as a base plate, cover, or shaft of a light pole, which increases the likelihood of a human or animal encountering it. The current flow that occurs because of this movement is what humans and animals respond to rather than the applied voltage. Many can feel a slight sensation even with a few milli-amps. In all instances, it poses a severe risk to life, and the results can be devastating.
How Does Stray Voltage Occur?
Stray voltage is most commonly caused by the slow deterioration of insulation layers around an electrical source cable. Deterioration can occur as a result of normal wear and tear, low-quality cabling, pinched wires, and many other reasons. Once the insulation has worn away, contact with the underlying metal allows current to bleed into the surrounding environment. The new connection between the two surfaces creates a voltage-current between two conductive surfaces that continuously loops if not resolved. The continuous loop results in both surfaces having a low voltage level that can be harmful to passersby. Along with the deterioration of insulation layers, there are many other potential causes of stray voltage:
- Defective, incorrect, or aged electrical equipment or wiring
- Unsatisfactory grounding conditions
- Unbalanced 120-volt loads
- Dirty or broken electrical boxes and devices
- Faulty connection on the neutral or ground wire system
- Improperly grounded trainers or fencers
It Happens More Than We Think
According to Today, only 2% of US cities are currently testing for stray voltage, so the exact prevalence of the situation is unknown. However, it poses far more of a threat than many people think. In 2011, Seattle City Light conducted an inspection and found 56 light poles giving off stray voltage. The investigation occurred as a result of a dog being electrocuted after stepping on a metal ground-plate cover next to a streetlight. However, in the story published by Today, the inspection crew found streetlight after streetlight with enough stray voltage to light up a light bulb, and even a portion of sidewalk electrified with 90 volts.
While these few examples may seem unbelievable and, like a rare occurrence, accidents caused by stray voltage happen every day. Awareness of possible sources and knowledge of signs to look for can further protect you and your loved ones from accidents caused by stray voltage. If you feel you’ve identified an area where stray voltage is occurring, it’s vital to remove yourself from the location and contact a professional to assist you further.
Combatting the Occurrence of Stray Voltage
Stray voltage can occur at any time for a variety of reasons. The best preventative action one can take to prevent it from happening is regular testing and maintenance for potential hazard points. Depending on the structure you’re testing, it’s essential to use the correct type of voltmeter to guarantee accurate results. A voltmeter is an instrument that measures the occurring electrical levels between two points in an electrical circuit.
It’s encouraged to have all light poles regularly inspected as well as electrical signs, service boxes, and wiring systems. Establishing and completing regular testing will allow you to identify any potential hazards before they become a more extensive, life-threatening issue.
Light pole manufacturers in the industry today recommend and require annual inspections to confirm structural integrity. These inspections will check the current state of anchor bolts, joints, and base plates. If light poles don’t have optimal structural integrity, the structure’s life is reduced, which causes failure much earlier than anticipated. Light poles should also be tested for voltage levels to identify any potential of a stray voltage occurring early on.
Lighting Maintenance Inc. Can Help
At Lighting Maintenance Incorporated, we understand the need for ongoing stray voltage testing in lights, signs, and other electrical systems. Our technicians are highly qualified, thoroughly trained, and have access to state-of-the-art equipment needed for stray voltage testing. We recommend that light poles and other electrical systems are tested annually for both structural integrity and stray voltage. Our structural testing and stray voltage testing are very affordable, ensuring that owners and managers have access to a cost-effective solution to ensuring the safety of their properties. We also offer testing for a wide range of other electric shock hazards, such as signposts, fencing, transformers, and mailboxes. Contact our electrical experts today to learn more about our stray voltage testing and a variety of other impressive maintenance and repair services.